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The composition of the governing bodies:
- The Settlement System Participants' Conference is the highest governing body of the Settlement System;
- The Control Council of Settlement (CCS) is the governing body in the Settlement System acting in-between the Conferences;
- The TCH is the executive body in the Settlement System.
Goals and objectives: - Setting of goals and policies, coordination of activities, representation and protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the ATSS participants;
- Setting and adoption of the company's main principles, support for the ATSS operations and development;
- Development, consideration and adoption of the ATSS main normative and technological, guidance, regulatory documents, and documents related to business structure;
- Establishment of the basic principles and overall policies related to the integration into a global system of air carriages and settlements in the interest of the ATSS participants;
- Coordination of the interaction between the ATSS participants in order to perform the overall policies;
- Development of the forms of cooperation, representation and protection of the interests of the ATSS participants in state governing authorities, federal, interstate and international bodies, civil aviation organizations and associations, in any other external entities and associations.